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Procedural Devices

Questions :

There are three categories of questions :

Starred Questions
Unstarred Questions
Short Notice Questions

It is essential to give questions in the prescribed form with 14 clear days notice for starred and unstarred questions and shorter than 10 clear days notice for Short Notice Questions.
Unstarred questions are also admitted in intersession period. A member may give notice of not more than one unstarred question a week during an inter-sessional period. Reply to such a question is invariably sent by the Government direct to the member within a period of 15 days with a copy of the reply to the Legislative Assembly.
The decision regarding the admissibility of questions is the sole prerogative of the Speaker.

Motions :

Besides questions, the members may raise the matters of urgent and current public importance before the House through the devices like Half an Hour Discussion, Calling Attention Motion, Notice Under Rule 295 (Special Mention Procedure) for Short Duration Discussion, Adjournment Motion etc.

Legislation :

All the legislative proposals are to be brought in the form of Bills before the legislature. These can either be Government Bills or Private Members Bills. Government Bills are prepared and drafted by the Law Department of the State government. There are three readings (stages) for passing a Bill. The first reading means motion for leave to introduce a Bill and its adoption. The second reading consists of discussion on the principles of the Bill and clause by clause consideration. The third reading is completed when a motion for passing a Bill is adopted by the House. After a Bill is passed by the House, it is presented to the Governor/President for assent. With such assent and its publication in the official gazette, it becomes law of the State.

Budget Procedure :

The Budget is presented by the Finance Minister and no discussion on the Budget takes place on the day it is presented to the House. About four days are allowed for general discussion on the Budget. After the general discussion on the Budget, demands-for-grants of the various departments of the government are discussed by the House as may be proposed by the Business Advisory Committee and the rest of the demands are passed by applying guillotine. This is done because of tight business schedule of the House.
Consequently, as soon as grants have been passed by the House, Bill is introduced to provide for appropriation out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of all Moneys required by the Government to meet the expenditure authorised by the House.

Voting Procedure :

Generally, the decisions of the House are ascertained by a voice vote. In case the Opposition challenges the veracity of such a voice vote or when the opposition desires the votes to by recorded, members are requested to go to the Ayes and Noes Lobby as the case may be for a division.